The Seniors Peer Counselling program provides counselling and support to alleviate loneliness and isolation of seniors who are 55+ years old. The service is offered in our office and over the phone. Seniors are encouraged to enjoy healthy aging through physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
In addition to the community peer support, this program offers speakers for community groups interested in addressing overall healthy aging and emotional wellness. Topics for presentation include focus of issues such as power of attorney, prevention of elder abuse, and abuse of prescription drugs and/or alcohol. With our knowledge and experience we are able to tailor these information sessions to your individual needs.
If you are a senior seeking counselling you can self-refer to the program by contacting our office at 250 754 3331.
Other Senior services we offer include:
Safe Seniors Strong Communities
Seniors Housing Information & Navigation Ease Program (S.H.I.N.E)
Therapeutic Activation Program for Seniors (TAPS)
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